We often come to know about injuries caused to loved ones due to negligent attitudes shown by these nursing homes. Furthermore, the lack of proper resources and an inexperienced staff can add strain on the elderly and helpless people.

You hope that your loved one will receive the level of care from a nursing home that you would give them if only you had the time to give it.  When you first make the difficult decision to turn over your loved one’s care to a nursing home, you did so believing promises about the quality of care the home would provide. Unfortunately, though, many nursing homes neglect their tenants, and this neglect can be dangerous.

If you or your loved one has gone through the trauma of nursing home abuse or negligent health care providers; contact us. We have the experience in providing relief and compensation to the victims and their families.

Here are some important points to help you evaluate whether your loved ones have suffered any abuse in the nursing home:


Types of abuse in a Nursing Home

Most commonly noticed nursing home abuses are:

  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Neglect or negligence
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Signs of Abuse


Indications of abuse in nursing homes

  • Bruises in a pattern that would suggest restraints
  • Untreated bed sores
  • Excessive and sudden weight loss
  • Open wounds, cuts, bruises, or welts
  • Fecal/urine odors
  • Abnormally pale complexion
  • Poor personal hygiene or other unattended health problems
  • Sudden changes in elder’s behavior or appearance
  • Torn clothing or broken personal items

Common indications of a careless nursing home staff

A careless staff can often suggest a situation that is prone to neglect and abuse.

  • Caregiver’s inability to explain elder’s condition
  • Lack of proper heating or cooling in nursing home
  • Caregiver allowing elder to wander off the premises
  • Caregiver’s refusal to allow visitors to see elder alone
  • Sudden change in elder’s medication


What you can do in case of Nursing Home Abuse

Many states and Federal laws in US contain regulations that protect those living in nursing homes. We are familiar with these laws and can use them to assist your loved ones who have unfortunately become the victim of abuse or neglect.

Contact Houston Nursing Home Abuse Attorney, Bat Tucker, today at  713-771-5453 for a FREE CONSULTATION and he will guide you regarding the kind of action you can take against the nursing home.