Monthly Archives December 2013


What You Need to KNow About Daycare Abuses

Daycare abuse sometimes involves the most nightmarish situations imaginable and is sometimes simple neglect. Either way, many parents seek to get compensation by way of lawsuits. They may get this compensation on behalf of their children, who may have suffered the most, or they may simply seek to get the money back from the daycare […]

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Intellectual Property Infringement Lawsuits

Intellectual property rights infringements are usually associated with large media producers these days. Everyday people sometimes find themselves in situations where their right to make money off of music, words, art or other intellectual property they rightfully own is infringed, as well. Lawyers can help to deal with the fallout of these situations. When You […]

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Suing Your Landlord Over Bedbugs

A lawsuit over a bedbug infestation has won a Maryland woman $800,000 in a lawsuit against her landlord, according to reporting in the Huffington Post. This is not the only such lawsuit that has been filed. According to the same reporting, 300 people who dwell in the same apartment building filed a class action lawsuit […]

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